Questions & Answers
We’ve put together this list of frequently asked questions about Family Group.
If you have any questions that are not on the list, then feel free to send us a message. We’re happy to answer any questions you have.

Q. What will I be expected to share at Family Group?
A. As much or as little as you like. We encourage you to not share anything until you feel safe.
Q. Who else is in Family Group?
A. Other parents like you who want to support their children. You can read more about the families who come to Family Group here.
Q. What do children think about Family Group?
A. Children tell us that they love coming to Family Group. It's a time for them to spend quality, one to one time with their parent/guardian.
Q. I don’t like talking in groups so how can Family Group help me?
A. We all feel stuck at times and talking to other people can be really helpful. Everyone comes for the same reason; to help his or her child. You soon realise that you’re not the only one with problems or difficulties. There’s no pressure on you to talk. You can talk as and when you feel ready and you never have to share anything you don't want to.
Q. Are you linked to social services?
A. No, we are an independent organisation who work in partnership with schools. Our priority is to support your child and family.
Q. How long do we have to attend for?
A. You can come to Family Group for as long as you need to. All we ask is that you commit to coming each week.

We'd love to welcome you to a family group. Please get in touch with us to join today.